Every parental leave transition is unique. We appreciate you taking the time to explore your parental leave journey with us!
First: Take the PLTA.
Check your email for your unique link to take the Parental Leave Transition Assessment (PLTA). It should come by magic from our server (but if not let us know!).
Click on the link to take the PLTA. Filling out the assessment should take about 30 minutes. It is important to block time in your calendar when you won’t be disturbed and you can give yourself the gift of thoughtful reflection.
Remember, the parental leave transition is one of the biggest transitions a person will face in their lifetime. It has the power to shape the life of your family and the future of your career for years to come. It is deserving of your time and attention. A supported transition can help a new family flourish!
Second: Schedule your coaching session.
Once you complete the PLTA survey and submit your answers you’ll get an email that confirms your results have been received. In that email you’ll be invited to click another link to schedule your individual web-based coaching session with one of our certified coaches. Simply check the Calendly schedule and book a time that works for you!
Your coach will share your customized PLTA Report with you and help you pinpoint the exact elements of your transition where your targeted attention will benefit you the most.
By harnessing your unique transitions strengths (assets) and challenges (liabilities) you’ll be better positioned to make the most of this time in your personal and professional life.
Support and Questions
If magic fails us and you don’t receive the PLTA survey form (or afterwards, don’t receive the coaching Calendly invite), check your spam folder first. If it’s not there email us at info@cplleadership.com to let us know so we can fix it for you!